Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Because it's not 110 degrees anymore:

End of Summer Survey

Name: Lisa
Age: 24
Grade: super duper senior (citizen)
Summer of:

This Summer Have You..

Been On Vacation?: TOKYO!!!!! with Nudy and Banana!!
Went Camping?: negative
Been On A Boat?: only in Disneyland
Went To The Ocean?: thankfully, yes. Went on a little adventure at 6 in the morning in Japan with Nudy. That was fun, huh?
Slept all day?: If anything, this summer was Summer of No Sleep.
Went to the movies?: more than usual, which means twice.
Been on a Plane?: longest plane ride ever.
Partied too much?: not enough, although my wallet would say otherwise.

Summer This or That...

Flip-Flops or Barefoot?: barefoot contessa
Beach or Pool?: i like the beach better, but I'm afraid I was at the pool more...
Ice cream or Snow cone?: Ice Cream, man.
Bug-Bite or Sun Burn?: suffered both. I prefer mild bug-bites, though. It's less threatening.
Relationship or Summer Lovin?: One did not turn into another, and that was that.
Hang With Friends or Family?: Friends, I believe, since I moved out. Although, I saw my sister more than ever since she started working at my org. What a tag-a-long.
Layout or Tanning bed?: Layout! Tanning bed is so 2003.
Fans or A/C?: I don't like A/C, but these last 3 days were unbearable without it.

Best of Summer..

Movie: Ratatouille!
TV Show: ACE OF CAKES ACE OF CAKES ACE OF CAKES!! I want a Geof cake, made by Geof, and delivered by Geof.
Concert: the only concert I went to was the John Wayne/Gene Autry Hollywood Bowl Spectacular.
Song: Under my umbrella, ella ella, eh eh eh
Hangout Spot: Tiffanie and Jimmy's house.

This Summer Who..

Made you cry?: no one! Yesss... except for Naoko, actually, for making me go through that fuckin haunted house.
Made you laugh?: everyone.
Let you down?: circumstances
Surprised you?: mmmm... myself?
Lied to you?: I'm sure many, but I never found out.
Made an offer you could not refuse?: still waitin'
Gave you the best advice?: Grammar Girl and Legal Lad.

Random Summer Questions..

What did you look forward to most about this Summer?
Tokyo! 'Twas fun.

Do you spend more time partying or relaxing?
a little of both.

Did you set/accomplish goals this summer?
I said I'd train for a half marathon. I think I'm almost there, although there are doubts if I'm actually going to run it.

Did you make any new friends?
I sure did.

Do you sleep all day or stay up all night?
I had an insomniac summer, or a narcoleptic one. Ask Peter.

Whats your favorite food to eat during the summer?
TOFU. You think I'm kidding, but that's all I ate this summer.

Did you learn something new this summer?
I learned that I am a robot, devoid of all human emotions. Apparently.

This summer was better than last summer.
Yes, it was. Last summer, I had to come home from Spain. That sucked. And I had to work at a dumbass bank. That sucked even more.

Do you already have plans for next summer?
nope! It's still hot. Since there are no summer vacations in WorkLand, I'm going to pretend that it still is. Although, I REALLY REALLY REALLY miss going Back to School Shopping.

That is all.

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