Saturday, August 18, 2007

Crazy Month

It's been slightly non-stop for the past couple of weekends. Visit from my old roommate from college, reunion with another old friend, and this weekend is the Tofu Festival. On top of that, my previous sleeping problem is on the verge of becoming full blown insomnia (although it's not the falling asleep part that I have a problem with - in fact, my current roommate claims that I also have narcoleptic tendencies). With my consecutive scheduled events, I feel as though I am only surviving because I'm hanging on to the last ounces of youth left in my spirit.

My sleeping thing is really becoming crazy. Basically, I nearly collapse every night around 10PM, and I collapse on my bed if I'm lucky. My roommate has found me on the floor, on the couch, on the foot of the couch... you name it. Then, I wake up once at 1-2AM, again around 4AM, and then finally, I just get tired of it and get up at 6:30. Needless to say, I haven't been late to work lately, but it's taking a bit of a toll on my overall energy level.

But on to better things in life. Carmen, my college roommate, came to visit for a whirlwind weekend here in LA. The weekend was VERY LA. Disneyland, Coffee Bean, sunshine, fresh produce, and lots and lots of driving and traffic. I have to say, because of my commute to Gardena (which I secretly despise), I've gotten a lot better at driving. It's all relative to my original skill, though, so I fear it's not at any level of expertise in comparison to how a normal person should drive.

I've also become incredibly obsessed with the Foodnetwork show, Ace of Cakes. It is literally the only show I watch. ( I use the word "literally" correctly, so I truthfully am exclusive to this show.) Thank the All Mighty for DVR.

I know, what a shitty, boring ass update. I guess I'll end this by saying COME TO THE TOFU FESTIVAL THIS WEEKEND!! It's in Little Tokyo on San Pedro St. between 1st and 3rd. Come for the community, and watch me yell at the crowd.

Photo recap of Carmenpalooza:

What would Carmenpalooza look like without paparazzi photos? Nothing! There would be no Carmenpalooza!

I was going to say that once this month ends, things will go back to normal. But no. I just realized that the next two months are going to be Wedding Months, where I will be attending 3 weddings and several wedding related events... And did I tell you that I might start my grad school apps? Who knows if I will be able to do that...

PEAACE the fork out. Leave me some love to let me know you're alive. Or email me. Or Facebook me (I'm pretty Facebook exclusive, as opposed to Myspace).

bye yo.


Spammy said...

dude. i have your sleeping disease.

leelu said...

hmmm...maybe u got too much on ur mind.

Carmen Kiew said...

carmenpalooza! I love it!