Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inaugural Post

I've been away for a little bit from this blog, because I was actually focusing on writing in my journal a lot more.

But, what more appropriate to write the first post of the year, than the inaugural day of this new administration?

I'd like to start this year with a letter to special people in my life, who I have shared special moments during this entire presidential election. I feel like I connected with a lot of people, so I'd like to address them right now.

To my brother and sister:

This is the second election where we were all able to vote together, but it's arguably the first where we all knew exactly what was happening. Louie, it was good to trade funny and ridiculous links, as well as thoughtful conversations about what it meant to be hopeful ( a word that is sadly becoming trite and cliched, but it's what describes what we were all thinking). Mickie, it was good to talk about state propositions and marching with you on behalf of all of our rights, as well as watching the returns with you in your room. Oh, and yes, thank you for allowing me to actually vote.
I feel like we lived through history this past year, and we will be able to tell our offspring (if we have any - oh God, that's a scary thought) about these days that we spent together.

To my roommate, Peter:

We talked and talked and talked about Proposition 8, and we marched, and we posted signs in our Mormon apartment. We laughed about it, we were enraged about it, but most of all, we were together about it. Although we lost this time around, this election was an affirmation for me about how we are mentally and intellectually in tune with each other. I

To my co-workers:

I'm still convinced that there are hidden McCain supporters who could not come out during the election, for which I feel badly. But, watching some of you pick up your things and go to Vegas to campaign, organize phone banks, tell your children how to say "Obama", and generally seeing your passion for this election made me so sure that I was working in the right place. We've had countless late night conversations, and I'll cherish that memory forever. It was an honor to be with you all this morning, eating our red,white, and blue food, while we watched President Barack Obama swear into office.

The worst is still ahead of us, and I leave with a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. :
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."


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